Sunday 31 July 2016

Catfishing Facts Essential Things To Know About Catfishing

Catfishing expert George delivers some great catfishing facts in this article, like catfish fishing usa with live baits is illegal in some states! I hope you learn something from George's article.

Essential Things To Know About Catfishing

If you are a novice fisherman looking to spend your afternoon near a cool breezy lake, catfishing can present an interesting challenge. Catfish are large ray-finned fish found all over North America. People usually fish for blue, flathead, or channel catfish in the United States where these species are abundantly found in lakes, ponds, and rivers. Catfish flesh is known for its delicate and delicious taste. Catfish are also artificially farmed for food. Some flathead catfish can grow up to 1 meter in length and 200 pounds in weight. You should carry medium to heavy action rods when you go catfishing.
Old School Catfish Fishing

You can recognize the catfish for their lack of scales on their body. Catfish also have prominent "whiskers", a specialized sense organ called barbells. These barbells help the catfish to hunt for food even in muddy waters where visibility is low. These fish are negatively buoyant and are typically found feeding on the debris and fish at the bottom of the water body. If you want to spot a catfish, you ought to look in the holes, logs and other hideouts on the river bed. Chances are you will find a monster cat hiding in one of these hideouts. Catfish sting so if I were you, I'd be careful when I handle them. If you ever get stung, rub the tail of the catfish on the wound; you will feel better almost instantly. And don't worry; catfish sting is not fatal and it won't hurt for too long either.

If you have done fly fishing before, don't take your light rod with you. Catfish are big and heavy. You will need to buy a different rod for catfishing. You can usually check the label on the rod to see if it is a medium action rod: that's the kind of rod you will need for catfishing. You can also forget lures. Catfish are usually caught with prepared bait. Some species like flathead catfish even prefer live baits like blue gills and sun fish. The line you sink is to be lowered in carefully and kept steady. And you need to attach one or two ounce weights to the line so that your bait sinks below the surface of the water. As you can see, catfishing is quite different from flyfishing. (Please note that catfishing with live baits is illegal in some states, so please check with your local authorities before you go fishing with live baits.)

Most fishing enthusiasts prefer to go fishing for catfish in summers May through September, when the catfish are easier to find in the flooded brush on the river bends and banks of the ponds. But if you really love the challenge of it, you could go looking for catfish even in winters. This activity, also called icefishing, is very popular in some parts of United States. Just make sure you carry lots of warm clothes and hot chocolate for your fishing trip. Mmm... wouldn't that be exhilarating? Do ask your friends to join you for the trip.
George is a catfishing expert. Wants to learn more great tips about Catfishing habitat, species, and more []? Visit my site [].
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Catfish fishing usa article

Catfishing Tips For Beginners

Jeremy delivers some great catfishing tips here, if you are a beginner, then you really should be looking for catfishing tips for beginners, so I hope these help :)

Get The Basic Knowledge To Learn About Fishing Using Catfishing Tips

Enhance your skills and learn more about your favorite fish using these catfishing tips. You can catch a good-sized catfish for yourself and have a pleasant and delicious dinner. And when you go fishing, the catfishing tips here might even help you master the art of catfishing.

Catfish have been popular and well-liked for their flavorful addition to the dinner table in many countries. Beginning anglers can learn from these catfishing tips and have an enthusiastic fishing experience too.

You need to think about how and when you can catch catfish, the type of water you normally fish in, potential fishing locations, the types of bait you want to use and the techniques you will need to catch plenty of fish.
In case you are lucky enough to hook a big catfish, you should have strong gear since you don't want to let go a cat. You should use strong line and a sturdy hook for catfishing, and the size of the hook is not as important as its sturdiness.

Catfishing tips include
- Use a good rig: Slide a sinker down to the hook and it will keep the catfish from feeling any kind of resistance when it is attracted to the bait, making it easier to catch.

- The best time to catch a catfish is at night time: This is this is when catfish feed.
- Catfish are more abundant in rainy or cloudy weather. As long as you can handle a light drizzle or overcast day, you'll find a pleasant fishing experience and more potential catfish on your line.
- You can easily find catfish in creeks and rivers depending on the depth of water and the current.
- Night crawlers and chicken livers are known to attract these fish.

- Depending on where you fish, some other bait like crawdads or live and dead minnows can prove more effective catfishing bait. Catfishing will be more productive if you fish behind rocks, like the ones along the banks of a stream, because catfish are more likely to be found where the current isn't as strong.

Catfish grow to a big size and are not always easy to get hold of once you have caught them. You'll need to perfect your technique to hold onto your catfish since you don't want to let go of your fish once it is hooked in your line. You need to keep your catfish off balance by applying pressure and immediately releasing when you feel it take the hook, letting the rod move horizontally.
By following these catfishing tips you can hopefully have better results catching catfish and help perfect your own catfishing technique.
Jeremy Jefferson is a catfishing expert. For more great tips on catfishing tips, visit [].
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Saturday 30 July 2016

Catfish Information Fun Facts About Catfish

Chris gives us 8 fun facts about catfish in this interesting article. If you would like to become a catfishing expert, Click Here!

8 Catfish Facts You Should Know (Part 1)

Do you know what's the best challenge that someone could face when game fishing? Well if you've been practicing this sport for a while then you know it's when you face a giant fish that fights like hell. Because of this, many anglers prefer catfish as a game fish over other types. If you intend to follow me in my catfishing journey, you need to learn a little bit about this mysterious fish. So here are 8 catfish facts you should know about:

1- As most people think that this is only a freshwater fish, there are actually some species that live in saltwater as well. While saltwater catfish aren't considered very challenging to most experienced anglers because of their small size, I see that a beginner could really enjoy fishing those types of catfish.
2- Catfish can survive even in the worst water conditions. They have a good sense of adaptability to their environment.
3- As opposed to what many people think, the catfish is a really fast and smart fish. This is so obvious because it's considered one of the best game fishes even to most experienced anglers.
Old School Catfish Fishing

4- You can go catfishing all the time of the year and not only in a specific season (most people think it can be done only in summer). One thing to keep in mind is that catfish really hates when it's hot, so you better choose a cloudy day or even the evening instead of fishing when the sun is in the middle of the sky (when the temperature drops down, catfish go outside from their hiding to eat).
5- Catfish is the 5th most popular fish in America.
6- The catfish group is actually one of the largest and most diverse groups of fish. There are over 3000 catfish species known to men.
7- As most people think that catfish isn't a poisonous fish, scientific evidence from the University of Michigan show that almost half of the catfish species are venomous. The good think is that in North America, some catfish species use their venom to mainly defend themselves from predatory fish. There have been many proofs of highly poisonous catfish that can be deadly to human in other parts of the world.
8- The world's biggest catfish was caught in Northern Thailand in 2005. This giant Mekong catfish weighs 646 pounds and measured 9 feet long. In the US, Greg Bernal and his girlfriend Janet Momphard has made a record of catching a 130 pound, 57 inches blue catfish, which is considered a world record for this species.

Chris is a catfishing fan. He enjoys catching big catfish as well as teaching other people how to do the same. If you want to learn more about this fish, check out: catfish facts []. For more information regarding species that live in saltwater, check out: saltwater catfish []
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Catfishing tips and techniques

Sunday 17 July 2016

The Common Sense Approach To Catching The Big Catfish

As obvious as it is, using Josh's common sense approach to catching the big catfish can help you land that monster catfish like the one at the bottom of this article:)

How to Find BIG Catfish

There are many cat fishermen that have been catching average size fish for years without learning exactly where or how to find big catfish. One of the problems most anglers encounter when they are looking to find big fish is knowing where to fish and what body of waters to fish. Here we will show you exactly where to find a monster cat. The main key to locating fish over 20 lbs whether it be blue, channel, or Flathead catfish is location. Some bodies of water just do not produce large fish and can be over run with smaller size fish. A lake or river system has to have many elements to produce catfish over a certain size. Good food sources,cover,prolonged water temps above 50 deg can all help. But the main thing is a, large catfish holds the proper genes to reproduce more large catfish. This is one of the reasons why it is very important to CPR "catch photo release" any catfish over 10 lbs.
Locating areas to catch bigger fish can be a very hard task. There are many cat fishermen that have been out on the rivers and lakes for many years trying to find big catfish and when they do find a good hole it is kept a secret. It is hard work locating areas and bodies of water that continually hold large fish.

So how do you find bodies of water that hold large amounts of Trophy Catfish???
Old School Catfish Fishing

Its simple, if you want to land MONSTER CATFISH your chances are greatly improved by fishing waters that are known to produce big fish. There are several interactive catfish hot spot maps that mark the locations of every state and world record Flathead,blue and channel. These fish normally come from big fish waters and fishing these bodies of water greatly increases your chance at landing a true trophy fish. Use of big bait like whole shad,cut skip jack, live bluegill or any type of bait fish that is legal in your area. Depending on the species of catfish you want to catch.Drift fishing these waters for blue catfish can be a deadly tactic at the right time of the year and we will be posting an article on this soon. For Monster Flathead in the hot summer months look for shallow water at night time. Flathead love hot water and shallow water is where there food source is. Fish creek beds, points, logjams, the head and core of any river hole and rocks. Get out there and catfish proven waters that hold record catfish. There IS a hot spot close to you, so get out there and fish proven waters.

Using these catfish hotspot maps to help locate trophy sized fish is simple and you can also check water conditions using the links. Hope you enjoy the info we have given.
It's that simple, if you want to land MONSTER CATFISH your chances are greatly improved by fishing waters that are known to produce big catfish.
Catfish Hot spots []
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discover how to catch a monster catfish 

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Best Catfish Cut Bait

We all want to know the best bait for catching Catfish, in the article below, Mark talks about catfish cut bait and cut bait fishing rigs.

Catfish Baits - What is the Right Cut Bait Presentation? 

Catfish have a very tuned sensory system that allows them to taste catfish bait from sometimes 15 ft away. They can smell and taste very small concentrations of your catfish bait when it dissolves in the water and can detect them from some distances away. This is definitely an advantage on any waters where there is a current because the smell and taste drift down stream. It is also a distinct advantage in murky waters where sight is impaired. There are many catfish anglers who prefer prepared baits, and there are many fishing situations where they do work very well but our article today will only concentrate on natural catfish baits.

Cut baits work great as catfish baits in rivers, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs because most catfish such as blue catfish and channel catfish feed on dead fish as part of their diets. Also cut baits work well because they immediately release small particles into the water and create a smell and taste trail for any blue catfish or channel catfish in the area. During the summer flat head catfish will normally only feed on live bait that is near their area such as shad, yellow perch, pan fish and other forage fish in the area, but during the pre-spawn time right after ice out they will feed aggressively on dead catfish bait such as cut bait chucks. An excellent cutbait for blue catfish and channel catfish are oily forage fish such as skipjack herring, and gizzard shad. Mussels also make an excellent catfish bait fresh or seasoned in sour milk for a few days.
Old School Catfish Fishing

There are some basic cut bait fishing rigs that work well for different fishing situations. The types of catfish rigs we will mention are quick hit rigs, three way swivel fishing rigs, a basic slip sinker rig, modified slip sinker rig, and a basic slip bobber fishing rig.

A quick hit fishing rig is used a lot to fish for flat head and blue catfish. To make a quick hit rig you will need two number 2 to 1/0 treble hooks, a three way swivel, and a bell sinker large enough to keep your live bait close to the bottom In shallow water areas a 1/2 ounce will usually work but if you are fishing for blue catfish in current or trying to anchor your catfish bait for flathead catfish you will need much larger bell sinkers typically from 3 ounces to 8 ounces. The size you select will be determined by how large your bait is and how strong the current is.

First tie on the three way swivel to your main fishing line, then tie on a 6 to 24 inch dropper that has your bell sinker attached. Then tie on the quick hit rig to the last open eye on the three way swivel.
To make your quick hit fishing rig tie the lead treble hook on to a 12 to 30 inch leader using an improved clinch knot. Next, tie the second treble hook about 4" away from the lead treble hook using a snell or uni-knot. You will want to use a gizzard shad for your catfish bait in the 8 inch to 10 inch size range. Insert just one of the hooks of the lead treble right behind the shad's head in the upper flesh area. Next insert just one of the hooks of the lead treble behind the dorsal fin in the top flesh area.

To make a standard three way swivel rig first tie your three way swivel to the main line. Next tie your dropper to one of the open leads of the three way swivel. The dropper rig should have a bell sinker 1/2 ounce for shallow water or 3 ounces to 8 ounces if you are using large size catfish baits foe blue catfish and channel catfish. The leader should be 6 to 24 inches long with a 5/0 to 7/0 hook.
To make a basic slip sinker rig slide an egg sinker on your line then tie on a 5/0 to 7/0 hook. Then clamp on a split shot sinker up the line 6 to 24 inches from the hook. This type of slip sinker fishing rig tend to hang up quite often and many fisherman use the modified slip sinker rig instead, because of this reason.

To make a modified slip sinker fishing rig slide a 1/2 to 4ounce bell sinker up the line. Next tie on a two way swivel. The tie on a 6 to 24 inch leader with a 5/0 to 7/0 hook.
Well that concludes my article on catfish baits and fishing rigs. Have a nice day and we wish you the best of luck on your next fishing trip.

We Have Something Special Just For You, Check Out A Secret Weapon For Catfish Fishing My Friend Discovered In 2004 Check It Out Here! []
Check out Mark's website to get some amazing fishing information and fishing articles loaded with fishing tips about catfish bait []
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More best catfishing bait information here