Sunday 21 February 2016

Catfish Fishing Techniques To Net Many!

I love reading catfish fishing articles, where experts reveal their closely guarded catfish fishing techniques.In this article Jim reveals some great catfishing tips to help you land the big catch!

Catfishing Techniques For A Big Catch

The guidelines and ideas from catfishing experts are always needed by people wanting to learn basic techniques and effective tips.
What are the basics of fishing for channel catfish? If you consider and apply the said techniques, a big catch will be likely. Here are some basic fishing tips for channel cats to help you learn to catch more on your next trip.
Old School Catfish Fishing

1. What are the effective baits for channel catfish?
Natural baits such as worms, grasshoppers, and tiny frogs can be used. You can also go for processed baits such as stinky or dipped baits. Usually, people do their own baits because they often find it's more effective. They also use pungent odor on the bait to attract catfish.
What are stink baits? These are homemade preparations and are often used if a large quantity catch is what the fisherman is after.

2. Can chicken livers be effective baits?
It seems that this type of bait is not as popular as others. Experts say it's hard to keep this bait on the hook because of its consistency. Anglers find it difficult to get it to stay on the hook. If you don't want to use this kind of bait then that's no problem because there are more effective baits available. Do away with messy and muddled baits because it can make your fishing day less fun.

3. Is there a need for durable gear and tackle?
A 20-pound test line is appropriate to use with a good quality reel. This is very effective if you're up for channel catfish. There is no need to have a spare heavy-duty gear if you're only up for channel catfish. If you would like to go for other kinds of fish, a better fishing gear can be used instead.
The rigs you will be using vary depending on your application. Usually, a slip sinker rig or a slip float rig is recommended. When it comes to treble hooks use either a #4, #6 or #8. If you find them ineffective, consider going to smaller sizes. When you're done setting up, make sure you start fishing from the bottom of the water area using slip sinkers. This is an area where most of the fish eventually come to for feeding. A slip float is recommended for shallow fishing.

4. How to identify the location of channel catfish
Fishing at daytime or nighttime doesn't make any difference. You can even catch them in shallow areas. You don't have to go too deep to expect the best catch. Since the channel catfish hangout in shady areas, you can throw your line around big rocks and submerged logs and you'll likely catch fish there.
Jim Lower is a fishing expert. For more great information on catfishing techniques [], visit []
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catfish fishing usa

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