Monday 15 February 2016

Summertime Catfishing Tips Part 3

In this third summertime catfishing article Justin gives some great summertime catfishing tips regarding time of the day to fish. We have several articles with tips on how to catch catfish in the summer. Click Here for part 1 and click here for part 2 of this summertime catfishing article series.

Catfishing in the Summer

The summer time is hot and fishing can be tough. Without a little help, you could be in for a long day on the water trying to catch catfish. I don't see any reason to sweat to death without having a little luck catching these great fish so I feel like this is a great topic to give what advice I have. After reading this article, you will be set with the knowledge to catch more and bigger catfish.
Catfish in the summer are picky fish. Don't get me wrong. They are easy to catch when you know how to go about it, but they can be down right tough. First, they have plenty of bait to eat. The latest spawning that happened in the Spring means that there are newly born bait fish everywhere. So catfish can feed when they wish. Second, It's hot. The water is burning up. The fish are feeling that heat and trying adjust to that heat. And third, the water has a lower oxygen level.

To beat these factors, you will need to work around them. First thing you should do is focus your efforts on deeper structure and current. Both of these types of locations offer higher oxygen levels and cooler water. That lowers the stress level on catfish and that means that they will feed more. I prefer to fish rivers in the summer time because they offer both depth and current. If you have to fish in a lake with no current, finding deep structure with cover near by is a great option. Ledges, channels, and deep points are great places to look. If you can find trees, stumps, rocks, or any other type of cover, you greatly increase your chances of catching catfish.
Old School Catfish Fishing

If you want to beat the heat and catch more catfish, you should think about fishing in the early morning or late in the afternoon. These low light periods are great for fishing of any kind, and cat fishing is no different. You see, catfish have a better ability to absorb light than smaller bait fish. This means that the catfish will see it's bait before the bait sees it. I like to get out at day break and fish til 10am for the most success. If you are not a morning person, you can fish from 5pm to dark and still do great. Some people even like to fish at night. I've done that many times before and its great for flathead catfish.
When selecting you're bait, you should use the most prominent bait in your area. My area is shad, so I will do the most of my fishing with shad. Why is this? Because catfish have grown used to feeding on these types of baits and will readily take it without questioning if its right.
The next time you go fishing, give these tips a try and I bet they work wonders for you. To learn more about Cat Fishing in the Summer, you can visit
Thank You,
Justin Mott
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