Monday 15 February 2016

Catfishing Strategies

Learn to catfish with these catfishing strategies from catfishing expert Mark.

Bait Fishing - Pond Channel Catfish Fishing Strategies Details Here

Much like in rivers, the hole will hold the channel catfish for bait fishing action in ponds. Catfish will winter in the deepest holes in a pond and they will roam structure like points and flats that are close to their hole during spring, summer and fall before the ice is on. In barren ponds look for channel cats along banks that drop off fast into deeper water. You can find them around docks and weed beds.
Getting the bigger channel catfish in a pond to bite is sometimes very challenging, but not impossible. One of the best catfish fishing rigs to use is a simple slip sinker rig. To make a slip sinker rig to be used for bait fishing for channel catfish in ponds follow the following simple steps. Silde a small ¼ ounce egg sinker up your line, then tie on a two way ball bearing swivel. Make sure the ball bearing swivel is large enough so the egg sinker does not slide over the top and past it towards the hook. Next tie on a 8" to 12" inch leader with a 3/0 to 5/0 bait fishing hook. Use creek chubs cut into 2" to 3" chunks for catfish bait. You can also use gizzard shad cut into strips or chunks if creek chubs are not available. Dip baits work well if you are targeting small channel catfish.
Old School Catfish Fishing

To catch the large channel catfish it is best to fish at night. When you find the spot you want to set up for the night you can increase your chances of catching some larger channel cats if use a underwater fishing light and you chum the area. You can use fish guts and blood, or small chicken guts laid out in sun all day for chum. If there are some large catfish in the pond the small and taste of the chum will attract them. The underwater fishing light will attract small bait fish to the area and they will start feeding on the chum. The larger channel catfish will much les wary and come looking for an easy feed.

It's best to use bait fish using natural catfish cut baits such as creek chubs and gizzard shad. Although the shad are not native to most ponds bigger channel catfish like to eat oily fish as food. The reason chumming attracts the bigger catfish is because it intensifies their smell and taste senses. Also because as I said earlier the chum also attracts small bait fish to the area. Large channel catfish cannot resist a feeding school of bait fish and you can use this fact to your advantage on your next bait fishing trip to a pond.

Well folks, that concludes my article about channel catfish strategy in ponds. Have a nice day and the best of luck on your next fishing trip!
We Have Something Special Just For You, Check Out A Secret Weapon For Catfish Fishing My Friend Discovered In 2004 Check It Out Here! []
Check out Mark's website to get some amazing fishing information and fishing articles loaded with fishing tips about catfish fishing rigs and tackle [] that really work!
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1 comment:

  1. To catch large catfish the key is structure, and oxygen in the water. Can catch big cats at night is a myth. Hence my catch of 42lb channel catfish in daylight, 50 feet from a spill way,behind a small sandbar island in the river November 23 2015.
